Gayle Chong Kwan documents the flotsam of the Thames and online, collaging this into analogue photographs echoing the 'archival' patina of Instagram
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/2 1 Gayle Chong Kwan, 'In these times of ours', 2012.jpg)
'In these times of ours', 2012
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/5 'When the spring evenings are too long', 2012.jpg)
'When the spring evenings are too long', 2012
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/6 4 'Like the tides on which it had been borne', 2012.jpg)
'Like the tides on which it had been borne', 2012
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/7 2 Gayle Chong Kwan, 'Divided in purpose between being visible and invisible', 2012.jpg)
'Divided in purpose between being visible and invisible', 2012
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/8 3 Gayle Chong Kwan, 'One morning long afterwards to be remembered', 2012.jpg)
'One morning long afterwards to be remembered', 2012
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/9 6 'A scholar in dust', 2012.jpg)
'A scholar in dust', 2012
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/1 Blue and white plastic bag in river in the Isle of Sheppy.jpg)
Blue and white plastic bag in river in the Isle of Sheppey
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/1 Brown glass beer bottle on the banks of the Thames.jpg)
Brown glass beer bottle on the banks of the Thames
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/1 Lolly stick and shellfish on Sheerness beach.jpg)
Lolly stick and shellfish on Sheerness beach
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/1 Three bottle tops triangulation and tiger.jpg)
Three bottle tops triangulation and tiger
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/1 Tyre thrown into river near Queenborough.jpg)
Tyre thrown into river near Queenborough
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/1Chewing gum wrapper on flats of Birchington.jpg)
Chewing gum wrapper on flats of Birchington
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/2 Black rubber band almost tied in a bow found in Birchington on Sea.jpg)
Black rubber band almost tied in a bow found in Birchington on Sea
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/2 Children's scooter left in river near Queenborough.jpg)
Children's scooter left in river near Queenborough
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/2 Foam cushion thrown in inlet near Queenborough.jpg)
Foam cushion thrown in inlet near Queenborough
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/2 Plastic loop, bag and bottle in inlet in the isle of Sheppy.jpg)
Plastic loop, bag and bottle in inlet in the isle of Sheppey
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/2 Trolley floating in river in Rochester.jpg)
Trolley floating in river in Rochester
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/3 Bicycle wheel part submerged in inlet near Queenborough.jpg)
Bicycle wheel part submerged in inlet near Queenborough
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/3 Bottle, bag and wood in river near Queenborough, Isle of Sheppey.jpg)
Bottle, bag and wood in river near Queenborough, Isle of Sheppey
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/3 Pink beaker top on beach at Sheerness.jpg)
Pink beaker top on beach at Sheerness
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/3 Straw left in beach on Birchington on Sea.jpg)
Straw left in beach on Birchington on Sea
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/3 Traffic cone with seaweed grown round found in inlet near Rochester.jpg)
Traffic cone with seaweed grown round found in inlet near Rochester
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/4 Banana and lolly sticks in Margate sands.jpg)
Banana and lolly sticks in Margate sands
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/4 Ear bud near beach at Sheerness.jpg)
Ear bud near beach at Sheerness
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/4 Foam square and plastic in river on the Isle of Sheppey.jpg)
Foam square and plastic in river on the Isle of Sheppey
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/4 Three bottle tops triangulating on bank at Birchington.jpg)
Three bottle tops triangulating on bank at Birchington
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/4 Upended table found in river near Queenborough.jpg)
Upended table found in river near Queenborough
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/5 Beer bottle top and plastic along the shore at Birchington on Sea.jpg)
Beer bottle top and plastic along the shore at Birchington on Sea
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/5 Cocaine wrapper along tide in Birchington on Sea.jpg)
Cocaine wrapper along tide in Birchington on Sea
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/5 Hair band rusting in Birchington on Sea.jpg)
Hair band rusting in Birchington on Sea
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/5 Like the tides on which it had been borne to Margate sands.jpg)
Like the tides on which it had been borne to Margate sands
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/5 White bag with blue tie carried along by the tide in Birchington on sea.jpg)
White bag with blue tie carried along by the tide in Birchington on sea
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/6 Colonel Sanders brown paper bag left on Margate beach.jpg)
Colonel Sanders brown paper bag left on Margate beach
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/6 Effluence always seems to appear in Margate beach.jpg)
Effluence always seems to appear in Margate beach
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/7 Bowl, cigarette buts and bud in Margate sands.jpg)
Bowl, cigarette buts and bud in Margate sands
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/7 Golden Spoon on Margate beach.jpg)
Golden Spoon on Margate beach
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/8 In these times of ours, feather of a pen in Margate beach.jpg)
In these times of ours, feather of a pen in Margate beach
![](content/GOLDEN-TIDE-IMAGES/6 Beer bottle in the sands at Margate.jpg)